# concourse-oci-resource
**DEPRECATED: this resource is no longer needed, the concourse build
task in combination with the registry-image can build and push multiarch
images now.**
A resource type for oci image tarballs.
## Source configuration
- name: oci-image
type: registry-image
repository: redxef/concourse-oci-resource
- name: my-image
type: oci-image
tag: latest
username: ((registry.username))
password: ((registry.password))
- repository: *Required*. The URI of the image repository.
- tag: *Optional*. *Default* `latest`. The tag of this image.
- username: *Optional*. Username used to authenticate.
- password: *Optional*. Password used to authenticate.
## `check`
Check if there is a new version represented with the given source
## `in` receive a OCI tarball
Creates the following files:
- `./image.tar`: The image tarball.
- `./digest`: A file containing the digest of the pulled image.
- `./repository`: The repository name (the same as the source configuration).
## `out` push an image to a repository
Push the image to the repository and add tags.
### Configuration
- put: my-image
additional_tags: path/to/tags/file
### Parameters
- additional\_tags: *Optional*. The path to a file containing more tags.
## Example
See [ci/pipeline.yml](ci/pipeline.yml) for an example usage. This
pipeline builds this image, first with the "edge" tag and after the
tests run successfully it tags the build as "latest".