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Certbot with duckdns wildcard certificate

Just run it with the correct environment variables and enjoy.

Because of a limitation on duckdns it is not possible to request a certificate which works for both the domain and wildcard subdomains. Because of this we request 2 certificates, one for the domain and one wildcard cert.


docker run --rm \
    -e DUCKDNS_DOMAIN=redxef \
    -e DUCKDNS_TOKEN=<your ddns token> \
    -e LE_EMAIL=noreply@example.com \


Yields 2 certificates, the first being for redxef.duckdns.org and the second being for *.redxef.duckdns.org. These certificates can be found under the following locations respectively:

  • /etc/letsencrypt/live/redxef.duckdns.org/
  • /etc/letsencrypt/live/redxef.duckdns.org-0001/

ENV Variables

  • DUCKDNS_DOMAIN: The domain to update, ex: DUCKDNS_DOMAIN=redxef for redxef.duckdns.org
  • DUCKDNS_TOKEN: Your duckdns api token
  • DUCKDNS_PROPAGATION_DELAY: Wait this many seconds after the TXT record was updated
  • LE_EMAIL: Your email for certificate related notifications

